The Living Lantern

The Mothership Connection

Diamonds of Tiffany&Co
Frankie Boyle is a UK based visual artist who specialises in the language of light as her form of expression.
Light enriches our lives.
With light comes vision, wellbeing, and hope. Frankie’s work explores how light, colour and form blend to create sensory experiences that connect the story you want to tell with the emotions of those who experience it.
Light is a language. Frankie was diagnosed with a speech and language disorder from a young age, which led her naturally into a world of other forms of communication, developing new sensory strengths and capacities to compensate for the lack of others. Vision is her strongest sense, and without light we would not have vision. Light is her language.
She has developed her understanding of how light can support concept and storytelling over a decade of work within the arts, entertainment, and events sectors, building on many years of research into the importance of light to wellbeing, its intrinsic role in our cognitive processes, mental health, and subconscious in daily life.
In her work, Frankie explores the intricate interactions between evolving technical discoveries, biological light and with multi-sensory elements to strengthen and deepen the experience. Heightened receptivity creates stronger emotional and memorable connections and the more we can synchronise the sensory cortex of the brain, the more profoundly we experience and the more powerful its impact.
Frankie’s work includes many light disciplines , from LED, moving heads, content design, projection and architectural Lighting. She has produced intricate and innovative experiences for art installations, live events and live TV, as well as photography and promotional campaigns. Frankie believes in collaboration and the power of shared expertise and co-creation. She has have a network of experts, artists and consultants with whom she partners to produce exceptional products and experiences.
Frankie has worked work with leading brands, agencies and artists including Google, Tiffany & Co, Samsung, Refinery 29, Hermes, Campari, Burberry, BBC, Selfridges, Aitor Throup, and Arcadia Spectacular to help them realise their narrative.