Mayfield House

The Savoy Grill

We are an Independent Architectural lighting design consultancy.
we use light to support architectural objectives for buildings and spaces, helping to create interior and exterior environments that perform to precisely defined criteria and contribute to a heightened sense of well being.
We work in many different contexts specialising in residential projects but also including retail schemes, Hospitality, hotels & leisure, Live/work developments, landscapes/garden/exterior facades, historic buildings, conservation and occasionally bespoke lighting installations.
We develop integral lighting solutions through a platform of services and most importantly great communication between design disciplines which harmoniously integrate electrical lighting, natural lighting and lighting controls seamlessly which is key to creating a balance between functional lighting and creative design.
Our designs are integral to the experience of each project. They articulate space and objects and display texture and colour. With their capacity to add accent and mood, they enrich rooms and buildings, streets and public spaces creating a highly functional and yet enjoyable experience for the end user.