

A lighting brand based on solid engineering principles using only high quality materials and finishes that are Made in Britain.
Our products are engineered to have weight and substance, well constructed with thought for the installation process and long term maintainability and durability – something to keep and pass on not just mass produce and recycle.
We celebrate and recognise the engineers and craftsmen behind each individually made component.
A great deal of thought goes into the construction and subsequent ease of installation and maintenance.
There is no better advert for a company than that of the installation engineer wanting a particular product to be specified because of its no fuss, reliability, ease of installation, quality and solidity.
Each Joe Scog product is supplied with a unique serial number engraved onto the product – not only giving the reassurance of authenticity but also as a permanent record referenced in an accompanying log book indicating when it was manufactured and by whom. The log also acts a beautifully bound, signed record of purchase and manual for care instructions, certification and general maintenance.