Montforthaus – Matthiessen, David / Zumtobel

Albertsplatz – Steffen Bauer

Hyundai Motorstudio – Copyright Atelier Brueckner
LDE BELZNER HOLMES is a design studio based in Stuttgart, Germany. The special expertise of the studio is to provide interior and exterior architectural lighting at all levels. Lighting is designed for urban environments, for city buildings, churches, parks, bridges and football stadiums, museums, art galleries and exhibitions both temporary and permanent. Further design fields are set and lighting design for theatres, trade fairs and special events. Also the firm specializes in theatre technology. Projects have been carried out in many countries.
Professor Uwe Belzner is a trained architect and theatre lighting designer. Andrew Holmes is a trained architect, urban designer and has graduated as a Master in Environmental Designer at Yale University.
Both have extensive theatre lighting design experience. The combination of their understanding of theatre lighting and their experience as architects and urban designers provides them with a firm basis for the many challenges of architectural lighting. Uwe Belzner began specializing in architectural lighting in the late 1980’s, Andrew Holmes in the mid 1990’s. In 2002 they formed the partnership Belzner Holmes after having collaborated for many years.
In 2002 Belzner and Holmes won an IALD award of merit and the German “Architekturlicht Preis” for the exterior lighting for the ERCO high-bay warehouse in Lüdenscheid, Germany (Architects: Schneider+Schuhmacher, Frankfurt).
The Albertsplatz in Coburg has won the German Lighting-Design-Prize 2014.