Cultural centre Neftianik

Bridge on the Russian island

Сentral Stadium
Lighting engineering company “MT Electro” is one of the leading lighting engineering companies in Russian Federation. Comfortable lighting urban space organization with modern and innovative tools of artificial illumination is mission of the Company. Since 1996 when company was established, we have collected a lot of practical experience in engineering, supplement and installation of lighting systems all over Russian Federation territory.
“MT Electro” Company has a lot of practical experience in elaboration and installation of different type and application lighting equipment.
Architectural-artistic lighting
Sport lighting
Industrial-purpose lighting
Indoor lighting (living spaces, trade and business centers)
Railway objects lighting;
Urban lighting (landscape, street, highway)
Complex elaboration of light-colored environment (lighting urban masterplan).
Lighting engineering company “MT Electro” has its own design-construction bureau, production capacity, supply and logistic department, it also has fair amount of qualified specialists to create and implement project solutions of any complexity.
Service package includes:
Project-constructed elaborations in the lighting area, consist in lighting design with modern technologies 3-dimentiomal graphic and modelling, lighting calculating, design estimate documentation for disciplines: electricity supply systems, outdoor lighting, electric lighting, metal construction, RC construction
Supplement of lighting and electrical equipment and materials of leading Russian and international manufacturers.
Providing construction and installation work and commissioning work at high and professional level with a glance to standards and regulations;
Construction design supervision for installation results of provided designing works;
Flexible after-sales and installation service.
Each project is individual solution of original problem. In projects created by our specialists the aesthetic, engineering and economical details are deep-laid. It is archived by applying of original technical solutions and elaborations based on high qualification and competence of our staff.