Al-Abrar Mosque event lighting – Singapore SG50

GUM Moscow – Lighting proposal for Orthodox Christmas

Guzhen City Lighting Strategy – Guzhen-PR
Roberto Corradini is a architect and independent Lighting Designer.
Born in 1970, lives and works near Venice.
Educated as an architect, has practiced for several years in various scale projects in Italy and abroad. He graduated also with a Master’s degree in Lighting Design.
From 2006 to 2010, he collaborated with Consuline, a talented Italian lighting design studio, and worked on various lighting projects in China, South Korea and Cambodia.
He has completed lighting projects including exhibitions, museums, hotels, residential projects, churches, retail stores, landscapes and gardens, historic buildings and urban master-planning.
Most recently, he has been guest lecturer in Iran, in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, at Venetian Association of Architects, at Friuli Venezia Giulia’s Association of Architects and at Facoltà di Architettura Valle Giulia of La Sapienza’s Rome University.
He also teaches how to design with light for CPD programs and has published articles in “Luce” (in English, “Light”) and “LEDin”, Italian magazines dedicated to the culture of lighting.
In the architectural lighting field, his interests are focused to explore the ways that light affects peoples’ environments and creates different settings and moods.
Roberto Corradini is a Registered Architect of Venice/I (Albo Architetti Provincia di Venezia) and a member of APIL (Associazione Professionisti dell’Illuminazione – Italian Lighting Designers’ Association).
Watercolour painter for pleasure, he is also interested in travels, literature, arts, history, scientific researches.