Lido, Porto Montenegro / Landscape

White Palace, Grecotel Luxury Resort, Greece / Interior

Marsa Malaz Kempinski, The Pearl, Doha / Façade
Visual Energy is an Architectural Lighting Design company, which was founded at the start of 2001 from the cupboard of a studio flat in London, today, the
company is one of the World’s Top Lighting Design Studios1 and has made a presence in the Middle East since 2007. Visual Energy has some of the most
international recoginsed talented lighting designers recognized by the Lighitng Design Awards 2016.
With hundreds of years of combined experience packed into our studios in London, Brussels and Dubai, each equipped with talented individuals who are
great designers and team players, we are structured to support a flexible working environment and produce all necessary work in and for any worldwide
location. Our resources enable all the expertise and experience to be appropriately allocated to meet the needs of any international project. The team has overall experience in more than 20 countries worldwide.
1 Mondo Arc 2009
Visual Energy was among the twelve finalists of the international prize DARC AWARDS 2015 as Best Exterior Scheme – High Budget with The Majlis Oman project .